You may participate solely on your own blog (and I will link to it at right) or post to this one. Anyone interested in participating on this blog should submit an email address in a comment to this post. To prevent spamming of the email, please submit it in a format similar to the following: janedoe--gmail or janedoe atttt gmail dotttt commm.
You may post a review of each book you've read, even if it was several years ago. Or, you could also put the year read beside the title and not do a full review. It's up to you.
If you are a participant on this particular blog, please follow these guidelines for labeling:
1) Always use your name as a label.
2) "Progress" should be used for list updates.
3) For each book read, use the year won and the title of the book. See the August 2007 entries for an example.

I'd like to join!
lindsacl ATTT comcast DOTTT net
I'd love to be included!
You can email me at alisiab at mail2world dot com
Hi! Thanks for the invite! Sure, I'd like to be added to this blog. I'm reading them in order from the beginning and I'm up to Alice Adams now. I haven't been able to work on my blog lately so I haven't been posting very much about it but I will soon! Thanks again! Camille
two underscore munks---yahoo
I'd like to participate. My eamil is sherryDOTearlyATgmailDOTyouknowwhat
I have some reviews alredy posted at Semicolon that I could copy/cross post to this blog, and then I'll make up a post of books already read and the ones I'm interested in reading soon.
So exciting! A challenge with no time limit. I love this idea, and I would like to participate. My email is dewpie gmail. I know I will post all reviews in my own blog, but I would also like to be able to post them here, if that's ok. Thanks for starting this!
I'd like to join this one, since it's sort of a subconcious goal to make my way through these books anyway. Might as well make it official.
jenstusue-- yahoo
You are SUCH a temptress!! I have always wanted to read the entire list. I even printed out a bunch of copies of the Pulitzers, the Bookers, the Edgar's, etc. with hopes of getting to them all some day. I think out of all the Pulitzers, I've only read 3! Isn't that sad? Though I do have a few on the list for the Book Awards challenge.
So, I guess that's my wordy way of saying...sign me up!!
Stoland at ameritech dot net
This is a great idea, and I definitely want to participate. My e-mail is untuneric at gmail dot com.
3M - this is an awesome challenge - please count me in. My e-mail is mrstremereads AT yahoo DOT com.
I'm in, but had forgotten to tell YOU ... lol. Yes, I'd like to post reviews here as well as on my own blog. emerging DOT paradigm AT yahoo DOT com. Having gotten into too many challenges already, I found that my sidebar is too full. So I have also made myself a separate blog just for my challenges.
My first post on Bonnie's Books is here:
and my first post on Taking the Challenge is here:
I would very much like to be a part of it. I have read some of those. Review. I don't think so. I will post those reviews soon and read the rest.
My email id:
gautami DOT tripathy AT gmail DOT com
I'm in (if you will have me)! arieldiva -- aol
Great idea...I'm still building my blog, but would like to participate
I am Terri
terristem at pertechman dot com
Thank you so much!
I posted a review of a play which won Pulitzer in 1949. Is that ok?
Count me in. I'm a binge reader and it's time for a binge. No time limit is great. drglo at rcn dott com
I must one of the few people in the world who don't have a blog yet. But I have a name--Joyce! I'm at jlagow att gmail dott com. And I'd like to be included.
Oh, Lord. I dropped in from the individual voice's blog. I have a novel presently going through Phase 1 of the publishing process (i.e. being rejected by every agent who receives it.) In it, there's an alcoholic who has worked the Pulitzer Prize List into his personal 12-step sobriety program.
So now - something new to worry about: What if the book ever gets published in my lifetime? You guys are going to think I got the idea over here when I didn't and then...(haven't worked out the catastrophic implications of that yet but trust me, I will.)
P.S. Yours is a great project. Can't join in right now; my local library doesn't do Pulitzer, unfortunately.
I wish I had found this site awhile ago since I am now reading my 55th Pulitzer (The Known World). I am jumping around the list in no particular order, and I've been at it almost exclusively for about 2 years. It is difficult to find some of the older winners without spending some money. That's okay - because it's part of the fun! kelberts at yahoo dot com.
I can't believe I did not know about this, but I love Pulitizers overall. So email is Cheers!
Sign me up! I've already read several and can't wait to get to the rest!
I'm already doing the Book Awards Challenge, so might as well jump in on this one. The new blog format is wonderful!
msjanquilts AT comcast DOT net
I'd like to join up.. readernutcase at msn dot com
I'd like to join! grammarchick at hotmail dot com
Please add me. I would like to take this on as a personal growth challenge. After reading this list, (for the first time, sad as it sounds), I realized that I have seen many of the movie adaptations - but have only read a few of the novels. My bad entirely, and one which I would like to rectify.
DOOOH - you may need this. (OK, no more holiday nog for me *hic*)
cappsmontgomery at hotmail dot com
*sheepish grin*
I would like to join the challenge. I am trying to broaden my reading and have been wanting to read the Pulitzers - no time like the present - LOL.
Here is my email ktulanko at aol dot com. I will more than likely post my reviews on my challenges blog but wouldn't mind posting here too.
I'd love to join! My email is acabrams-gmail.
I'd like to join the challenge. My e-mail is slgoforth ATTT ameritech DOTTT net. Thanks!
What a wonderful idea. I would love to join. My email address is megr at datavia dot com
I'm in for this one. You can e-mail me at...
I am joining really late I know, but I would like to participate now.
My email is diamondlil at dodo dot com dot au.
I'd like to join in as well:
colleen_quinn AT hotmail
I've read a few of these already, but was sad to realize that I've never even heard of some of these titles. Time to hit the library!
me too, me too!!! Thanks for hosting this. ;p
my email:
bethany dotttt canfield atttt gmail dottt commmm
book blog:
Can I join too, please?
My email is booksplease attt btinternet dottt com
I've been working on reading all the Pulitzer winners for fiction for many years now - I thought I was the only "nerd" out there! It's great to find this blog - I'd love to join...
You can e-mail me at:
ntgoranson at gmail dot com
Sounds like a great idea. And I love that there isn't a time limit!
my e-mail is
itsokimablonde107 ATTT gmail DOTTT com
To celebrate the announcement of the 2008 Pulitzers in a day or so, I'd like to join this challenge. My email is suz19612003 AT yahoo DOT com
My bookish blog, Naked Without Books! can be found here:
I'd like to join!
My email is aaronkropf(at)gmail(dot)com. And I'll be posting my reviews on my blog which can be found at
Me too, please!
dumashaus AT comcast DOT net
I've been actively reading the Pulitzer winners for several years, so I look forward to discussing them with other similarly driven readers.
I've posted on Edward P. Jones' The Known world. The link for this post is:
I would like to join. rebecca ATTT reid-family DOTTTT org
I am very interested in joining in! My email is tatters0506----yahoo.
I run a book review blog called Read and Release: Tiffany's Tomes. I have a few books already lined up in queue for that blog (and, unfortunately, am backlogged on reviewing ones I've already completed since April) but I'm going to slate myself to start this challenge in early summer. To my pleasant surprise, I've already read a few of the books...but I'm going to challenge myself to go through and read them all in order of the year they were awarded.
Thanks for hosting such a cool site!
Sign me up! I belong to a Pulitzer Prize book group at Yahoo! and this will fill in nicely. Judy
Add me please katrinathomas underscore uk at yahoo dot co dot uk
I'm in!!
missporkchop -- yahoo.
I'd love to be added also:
justareadingfool AT gmail DOT com
I have read them all> here are the dates I read each one:
134 The Bridge of San Luis Rey, by Thornton Wilder (read Nov or Dec 1943) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1928)
260 The Good Earth, by Pearl S. Buck (read 15 June 1946) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1932)
280 So Big, by Edna Ferber (read 2 Sept 1946) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1925)
355 The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck (read 17 Mar 1949) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1940)
362 Arrowsmith, by Sinclair Lewis (read 16 July 1949) (Pulitzer fiction prize for 1926)
363 The Yearling, by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings (read 31 July 1949) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1939)
464 The Caine Mutiny: A Novel of World War II, by Herman Wouk (read 31 Jan 1954) (Book of the Year) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1952)
498 A Fable, by William Faulkner (read 3 June 1956) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1955) (National Book Award fiction prize for 1955)
524 The Late George Apley: A Novel in the Form of a Memoir, by John P. Marquand (read 29 Oct 1957) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1938)
533 Journey in the Dark, by Martin Flavin (read 7 Apr 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1944)
534 The Magnificent Ambersons, by Booth Tarkington (read 13 Apr 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1919)
535 The Age of Innocence, by Edith Wharton (read 20 Apr 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1921)
536 Alice Adams, by Booth Tarkington (read 24 Apr 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1922)
537 His Family, by Ernest Poole (read 27 Apr 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1918)
538 The Able McLaughlins, by Margaret Wilson (read 2 May 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1924)
539 One of Ours, by Willa Cather (read 11 May 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1923)
540 Early Autumn: A Story of a Lady, by Louis Bromfield (read 17 May 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1927)
541 Scarlet Sister Mary, by Julia Peterkin (read __ May 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1929)
542 Laughing Boy, by Oliver LaFarge (read 27 May 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1930)
543 Years of Grace, by Margaret Ayer Barnes (read 31 May 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1931)
545 The Store, by T. S. Stribling (read 14 June 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1933)
546 Lamb in His Bosom, by Caroline Miller (read 24 June 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1934)
547 Now in November, by Josephine Johnson (read 29 June 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1935)
548 Honey in the Horn, by H. L. Davis (read 19 July 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1936)
549 Gone With the Wind, by Margaret Mitchell (read 6 Aug 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1937)
550 In This Our Life, by Ellen Glasgow (read 12 Aug 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1942)
553 Dragon's Teeth, by Upton Sinclair (read 13 Sept 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1943)
554 A Bell for Adano, by John Hersey (read 16 Sept 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1945)
555 All the King's Men, by Robert Penn Warren (read 21 Sept 1958) (Book of the Year) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1947)
556 Tales of the South Pacific, by James A. Michener (read 30 Sept 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1948)
557 Guard of Honor, by James Gould Cozzens (read 12 Oct 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1949)
558 The Way West, by A. B. Guthrie, Jr. (read 18 Oct 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1950)
564 The Town, by Conrad Richter (read 14 Dec 1958) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1951)
565 Andersonville, by MacKinlay Kantor (read 27 Dec 1958) Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1956)
566 A Death in the Family, by James Agee (read 4 Jan 1959) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1958)
573 The Old Man and the Sea, by Ernest Hemingway (read 15 May 1959) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1953)
577 The Travels of Jamie McPheeters, by Robert Lewis Taylor (read 25 June 1959) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 1959)
620 Advise and Consent, by Allen Drury (read 9 June 1960) (Book of the Year) (Pulitzer Fiction prize 1960)
651 To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee (read 8 May 1961) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1961)
698 The Edge of Sadness, by Edwin O'Connor (read 4 June 1962) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1962)
981 The Confessions of Nat Turner, by William Styron (read 27 Nov 1968) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1968)
983 The Reivers A Reminiscence, by William Faulkner (read 30 Nov 1968) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1963)
984 The Keepers of the House, by Shirley Ann Grau (read 1 Dec 1968) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1965)
985 The Fixer, by Bernard Malamud (read 5 Dec 1968) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1967) (National Book Award fiction prize for 1967)
986 The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter (read 8 Dec 1968) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1966) (National Book Award fiction prize for 1966)
1097 House Made of Dawn, by N. Scott Momaday (read 27 Nov 1970) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1969)
1103 The Collected Stories of Jean Stafford (read 24 Jan 1971) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1970)
1164 Angle of Repose, by Wallace Stegner (read 27 May 1972) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1972)
1634 A Confederacy of Dunces, by John Kennedy Toole (read 21 May 1981) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1981)
1635 The Optimist's Daughter, by Eudora Welty (read 22 May 1981) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1973)
1637 The Killer Angels A Novel, by Michael Shaara (read 29 May 1981) (Book of the Year) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1975)
1642 Humboldt's Gift, by Saul Bellow (read 8 July 1981) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1976)
1652 Elbow Room: Stories by James Alan McPherson (read 8 Aug 1981) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1978)
1653 The Stories of John Cheever (read 17 Aug 1981) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1979) (National Book Award fiction prize in 1981) (National Book Critics Circle fiction award for 1978)
1823 The Color Purple, by Alice Walker (read 28 Jan 1984) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1983) (National Book Award fiction prize for 1983)
1981 Foreign Affairs, by Alison Lurie (read 26 Feb 1986) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1985)
1987 Ironweed, by William Kennedy (read 9 Mar 1986) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1984) (National Book Critics Circle fiction award for 1983)
2046 Lonesome Dove a novel by Larry McMurtry (read 17 Jan 1987) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1986)
2086 The Executioner's Song, by Norman Mailer (read 20 Jun 1987) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1980)
2106 A Summons to Memphis, by Peter Taylor (read 1 Nov 1987) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1987)
2186 Beloved A Novel, by Toni Morrison (read 11 Feb 1989) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1988)
2291 Breathing Lessons, by Anne Tyler (read 5 May 1990) (Pulitzer fiction prize in 1989)
2359 The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love, by Oscar Hijuelos (read 19 Feb 1991) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1990)
2386 Rabbit Is Rich, by John Updike (read 17 May 1991) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1982) (National Book Award fiction prize in 1982) (National Book Critics Circle fiction award for 1981)
2390 Rabbit at Rest, by John Updike (read 22 Jun 1991) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1991) (National Book Critics Circle fiction award for 1990)
2527 A Thousand Acres, by Jane Smiley (read 8 Aug 1993) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1992) (National Book Critics Circle fiction award for 1991)
2568 A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain Stories by Robert Olen Butler (read 15 Jan 1994) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1993)
2628 The Shipping News, by E. Annie Proulx (read 19 Jul 1994) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1994) (National Book Award fiction prize in 1993)
2739 The Stone Diaries, by Carol Shields (read 2 May 1995) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1995) (National Book Critics Circle fiction award for 1994)
2812 Independence Day, by Richard Ford (read 1 Oct 1996) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1996)
3024 Martin Dressler: The Tale of an American Dreamer, by Steven Millhauser (read 18 Oct 1997) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1997)
3075 American Pastoral, by Philip Roth (read 10 May 1998) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1998)
3202 The Hours, by Michael Cunningham (read 30 May 1999) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 1999)
3416 Interpreter of Maladies Stories by Jhumpa Lahiri (read 8 Mar 2001) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 2000)
3436 The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay A Novel by Michael Chabon (read 24 Apr 2001) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 2001)
3568 Empire Falls, by Richard Russo (read 12 Apr 2002) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 2002)
3743 Middlesex, by Jeffrey Eugenides (read 11 May 2003) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 2003)
3842 The Known World, by Edward P. Jones (read 1 Jan 2004) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 2004) (National Book Critics Circle fiction award for 2003)
4016 Gilead, by Marilynne Robinson (read 26 Apr 2005) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 2005) (National Book Critics Circle fiction award for 2004)
4202 March A Novel, by Geraldine Brooks (read 24 Aug 2006) (Pulitzer Fiction prize for 2006)
4312 The Road, by Cormac McCarthy (read 13 May 2007) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 2007)
4421 The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, by Junot Diaz (read 23 Mar 2008) (Pulitzer Fiction prize in 2008) (National Book Critics Circle fiction award for 2007)
I'm happy to take part and advertise this delightful challeng on my blog
Cheers! Kim
I'd love to join! My email:
I hope to post short review on this site, but longer reviews will be on my website: "The Mookse and the Gripes"
Hi, I am happy to be aboard! I just noticed, however, that the link to my blog is incorrect. I initially started the blog on blogspot, but changed it to wordpress. Unfortunately, I can't fully kick the blogspot one. Can you make my linke to The Mookse and the Gripes link to
? Thanks!
I would like to join. darrowenator ATTT gmail DOTTT com
I have read 32/82......This site looks great!
I'd like to join. Please e-mail me at kellyjcooper atttt gmail dot com. My blog link is kellyspulitzerproject dog blogspot dot com.
Oh! I'd like to participate. I've read some, but not all. My email is: sarah at mehrens dot com. Thanks!
I'd lie to be added. nicolebonia at gmail
Hi there,
I'd like to join. I will be blogging on my blog at
I would love to join this:
saz AT chainreader DOT com
I'd like to join this challenge. I've only read 2 on the list. The yearling and Gone with the Wind.
jennykaesimpson at yahoo dot com
I'd love to join in.
My email address is ja dot bailey at lineone dot net
Thanks very much!
I'd like to join:
I'll be posting reviews on my own blog, with links to yours if that's ok with you.
I'd like to join!
Email me at zbtcseipai ATTT gmail DOTTT com
I've been unofficially doing this challenge for a while, but I thought I'd officially sign up.
thebluestockingsociety AT gmail
Count me in! Please add gabby29 gmail to your participant list.
I would love to participate. I read The Known World (2004) not too long ago and it was a stunning book! I like the fact there is no time deadline since I have a lot on my TBR shelf as it is.
Sign me up, please.
Angela Reads 812 at gmail dot com
No spaces, of course. :)
Please count me in; I'm crazy about the Pulitzer prize winners and have already read many, many of them.
I'd love to join! To keep my confusion to a minimum lol, I'll keep my reviews on my blog. Thanks for posting this!
I stumbled across this notable site by the purest chance. I have read 30-some Pulitzers; currently I am reading The Known World. My goal this month is to finish all the books of the "aughts" decade. I will start on the 20s next. For some reason, these are the decades for which I have the fewest titles remaining. I am so happy to find this site of like-minded people!!
Hi! I've been doing this challenge unofficially for the past couple of years, so I might as well make it official. Do let me join.:)
My blog's at:
I post all my books read there.:)
I wrote up my post for the challenge a while back but never contacted you. I would like to join please. Here is my post link. Thank you.
I just found this,and I have actually been doing this as a personal project since June 2008, I just finished #16 (6 of those I read already before starting the project). Please include me in this blog!
sponeill A@ttt earthlink dootttt net
I need to be participating in this!
akreadsbooks--gmail dot com
Hi! I'd like to join this challenge. I'll be posting on my own blog and my challenge page is here:
Please add the newest winner to the list.
fridayteenagelife atttt berkeley dotttt edu
I found this site when I searched online to see if Early Autumn had sequel, which led me to We Came Along with a Hammer, which linked here.
I'm reading a majority of the Pulitzer winners, plus a bunch of books from Harvard Classics, Great Books, and Nobel winners. Partially for fun, enlightenment, exposure to Great Literature, partially because I'm thinking about going to grad school for English.
I have just posted a blog entry about my own Pulitzer Project and Nymeth directed me to this blog to join.
I can be emailed at claire dot boyle at gmail dot com.
Me and my blog partner would like to participate.
diablevert atttt alongwithahammer dotttt com
Awesome blog--don't think I can participate but just wanted to say that I'm enjoying it!
I thought I had already joined but do't see my post so I'm doing it now.
Wow, just found this blog! I would love to join as I am ready to start my own Pulitizer Project. I'm found at
Oops - I messed up. I'm found at ndavis1201^^^^g^^^male-you know the rest.
Can't wait to get started. Also have a blog at where I'll be posting my thoughts. Thanks for setting this up!
I'm so happy that I found this blog! I'm in on the challenge.
jaredpence attt gmail dottt com
I set a goal for myself a few years ago to read the Pulitzer Prize winning novels, and have enjoyed many of them.
I would like to join this project.
ddubya8ch at yahoo dottt com
Can I join? mulledvine AT gmail DOT com
I've been meaning to do this for a while so I will sign up. I have One of Ours on my bedside as I adore Willa Cather and I'm working my way through all her books as well.
steele85 at gmail dot com
I would love to join as well. Better late than never, I suppose!
My email is karynyts attt yahoo dottt comm dottt au
Finally finished all the Pulitzer Fiction Books in 2009. Onward and Upward to the other Pultizer Categoies. The Last Fiction book IO read was Dragon's Teeth by Upton Sinclair. This is a very good series and I want to read the rest of the books in the series.
I didn't know a sight like this existed. I started reading before I found out about the challange.
American Lion is the Last Pulitzer book I've read. It's a Biography of Andrew Jackson's Presidency and give a lot of interesting peronal facts and cover's the major issues. I belive this is a period of American History that gets lost in the school and every American should be aware of the issues during this time and how they affect us today
I do not want to receive solicitations of any kind. I only want to receive comments regarding the Pulitzer project. Thanks
I'd love to join!
I'll be posting reviews to my own blog but would be happy to post them here as well.
I would love to join your group!
sthmpsn at gmail dottt com
Correction to my previous post... sthmpsn ATTT sonic DOTTT net
Hey there,
A friend and I are currently on a journey that I have a feeling you and your readers would like to, not necessarily experience or have a part of, but follow. You can check it out at
What you're doing here is a great and good thing -- thank you so much for your dedication in keeping the legacy of these books and authors alive! I've really liked perusing through some of the titles and reading the reviews.
Feel free to email me at drewmoody 3 2 1 at G mail.
I would like to participate in the challenge and will host the reviews on my blog ( I plan to read 5 books for 2010.
Please add porcelaine at(literarylolita--gmail) Thanks!
I posted a page with ALL current reading challenges. Let me know if you want me to add any other information about yours. I hope it brings even more readers to The Pulitzer Project!
Reading Challenges.
Rachelle (Bibliobabe)
I have just finished reading all the Pulitzers on the list! My last one was "The Store" by T.S. Stribling. Although now that the latest one was announced, I guess that's one more to read. I've been working on this on and off since 2003 and have gotten pretty serious in the last few years and exclusively reading only Pulitzers.
I found your challenge on Bibliobabe's website and would like to join your challenge.
I will post on my blog and here also.
jgoffice(at)cox dottt net
I started in 2005 with a goal of reading all the winners since my birth year (1959) following a circuitous route. I first read Jhumpa Lahiri's Interpreter of Maladies, then went forward, then back toward 1959. I read a decade's worth of winners each year. Last year I started from 1918 and His Family. Now I'm in the 20's and about to start The Able McClaughlins. It's been a great journey and helped me through some tough times. Glad to join.
I'd like to join! I've been reading the list for a few years and I've just started at the beginning. I completed So Big and have my comments in my own blog.
Please include me rhmnlc ATTT gmail DOTTT com
i would like to join! just started last week, working my way from tinkers back. currently on olive kitteredge. amyfletcher04 attt gmail dottt com.
I'd like to join-
river1 ATTTfuse DOTT net
I've been collecting and reading Pulitzers for years- I own 80 copies- I plan to read (or reread) them all and will provide comments-
Hi Iam Prabhu from chennai,joined today in this forum... :)
Can I join too?
melody dot spano at gmail
I'd like to join, please.
aaryn DOTTT bierly ATTT gmail DOTTT com
i'd like to join. Reviews won't be long for most of them. Its a project I started on 3 or 4 years ago and I'm a little over half way through. My email is dlords atttttt gmail dottt commm
I'd like to get in on this. historian_nan at
I'd like to join. duskyliterati ATTT gmail DOTTT com
2007 The Road, Cormac McCarthy
I'd like to join :) I will post reviews on my own blog. zenissima -- Gmail
This is a fantastic idea! Sign me up. babykat1901 AT aim DOT com
I'd like to join! saraklind -- gmail. I'll be posting reviews on my blog ( and will post on here as well. Thanks!
I'm doing something similar. Check out
I would like to join. I have been reading old Pulitzers this year. My name in Linda, and my email is lafrom11 at gmail dot com
Thanks very much for the opportunity.
Yes I'd love to as well..
my email is athenainchina AT gmail
and my blog that I've just started is
Hi there! I didn't know this site existed. I've read them all but Olive Kittridge, Tinkers and Good Squad -- and they're pending.
May I join?
memarthamcc att aol dot com
Bitter sweet. Only 3 titles left to read from the winners. Started in 2008. Fav so far, The Bridge of San Luis Rey. Using to start campfires, A Fable by Faulkner. Thanks for posting your Pulitzer Project!! Teresa at windriverfoto attt geemail DOTTTT com
I would love to join in the fun. My e-mail is k_kollathatsbcglobaldotnet. I will be posting on my blog
what a great idea. please sign me up. rkbbecca ATTT yahoo DOTTT com
Hey all, I've been forgetting to check this. I've added the most recent requests - check your spam folder if you havent' received it.
I have just decided to read all the Pulitzer Prize winners. I have read 7 so far. I was excited to find this site.
lesliekoons yahoo dotcom
Hello, I was wondering what happened to the rest of the contributors? It seems that I have been the only person posting write-ups recently.
So excited to learn about this blog! This is somethng I decided to do a few weeks back. Rpate8 at Gmmail dotcom
I want to participate, please. My email is mcvandeventeratttttttjunodotcom
Thank you!
I have been working on this project for the last 6 months or so, and I just found your blog. I would like to participate and will be posting reviews on my blog at if you want to link over to my blog.
I'm so glad to find a group of other people who are doing this!
I'll join! roachalady ATTTT hotmail DOTTTT com
Hey all, I've been forgetting to check this. I've added the most recent requests - check your spam folder if you havent' received it.
the book is written like a series of short stories and while the characters are all connected in some way to two of the “main” characters,click here
Hi, Nice post thanks for sharing. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back. Thanks!
Aaron Grey
Hi, just found your site this year, I've been on self-project in reading Award Winner's Books, that's include Pulitzer Award for these 2 years, so I'm in in this challenge.
My email : hobbybuku ATTT gmail DOTTT com
Btw, since I'm from Indonesia, my review will be in bilingual, first in Bahasa then I added Conclusion (My Final Though) in English.
I'd like to join too. I've just finished Booth Tarkington's The Magnificent Ambersons
Hi, I'd like to leave a review. email address is mcnameelorcan at gmail dot com.
Blog at
What an interesting project with no time limit,
My email address is: miss_yuska(at)yahoo(dot)com
Thanks so much.
Love this project. The only one I haven't read is this year's award - The Orphan Master's Son - Adam Johnson.
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